Before and After Restoration Projects Water Damaged Oil Painting and Frame 75 years of nicotine removal This work hung over a fireplace for 50 years and suffered from exposure to black smoke. Strip-lined, cleaned and re-stretched oil painting on original stretcher bars. After - Strip-lined with linen, cleaned and re-stretched the oil painting on original stretcher bars . Re-varnished and in-painted abrasions Before - Abrasions, wrinkling, warping, not square, missing color After - Large canvas re-stretched on new stretcher bars, deep wrinkles and severe warping removed. In-paining on loss of paint. Before - Large tear(s), relined back with linen, filled and in-painted front surface Before - Large tear, relined, filled and in-painted (Oversized painting approximately 5 feet wide) After - Large tear patched , relined, filled and in-painted. A thourough cleaning brightened the original color. Before -Traditional cleaning oil on board After -Traditional cleaning oil on board- brighter colors after years of dirt removed